Warta Industri

Masalah naon anu kedah diperhatoskeun nalika nganggo belenggu?

(1) Sateuacan nganggobelenggu, taliti mariksa kapasitas bantalanna, naha penampilanna cacad atanapi rusak, sareng naha bagian sambungan na utuh pikeun nyegah masalah.
(2) Arah kakuatan tinabelenggukedah leres pikeun nyegah tina nampi gaya gurat.
(3) When connecting ropes or rings, one should be set on the horizontal pin and the other should be set on the bend ring. It is not allowed to set on the two straight sections of the belenggu respectively.
(4) Saatos operasi angkat parantos réngsé, angkat dina waktosna, lebetkeun pin silang kana cincin tikungan, sareng pasang nut. Dilarang pisan pikeun maledogbelengguturun ti tempat anu luhur pikeun nyegah tina deformasi sareng nyababkeun karusakan retakan internal, sareng pikeun mastikeun yén éta gembleng.
(5) Bagian utas tinabelenggukedah rutin dilumas ku minyak pelumas supados pelumas ogé henteu berkarat.
(6) Saatos dianggo, simpen di tempat anu garing, alaskeun kana papan kai, sareng simpen leres-leres.

(7) It is not allowed to use belenggus with horizontal pins without threads. When it is necessary to use them, safe and reliable measures must be taken to prevent the horizontal pins from slipping out and causing accidents.

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