Warta Industri

Cara anu leres pikeun nyambungkeun dasi anu lemes kana cangkéng

Ayeuna seueur pabrik anu ngagaleuh produk anu dihijikeun lemes. Tapi cara anu leres pikeun nyambungkeun kait sarengdiambung lemesbisa jadi nyeri sirah pikeun loba pabrik. Hayu urang ngobrol ngeunaan ieu di handap.

1. Nalika éta diambung lemes connection hook wants to save costs, the only way to do this is to remove the connection tool. When there is no connection tool, there is only one way of connecting the flexible sling to hang vertically. When using the diambung lemes straight knot sleeve to connect the hook, we need to pay attention that the eye diameter of the hook must be larger than the eye diameter of the sling. Because we want to make sure that the diambung lemes can be used to the fullest when lifting. If the size of the eye of the hook is smaller than the sling, the diambung lemes will be cut off during lifting. If the lifting sling wants to exert force, it is necessary to ensure that the hook has enough bearing surface.

2. Anudiambung lemesngagunakeun alat panyambungan pikeun sacara nyambungkeun kaitna. Naha éta ayang atanapi hook, éta tiasa ngamaksimalkeun pangaruhna. Metode konéksi sapertos ieu saderhana pisan, urang ngan ukur kedah merhatoskeun sababaraha ton sabuk angkat sareng sababaraha ton gandeng atanapi gesper cincin dua kali, teras nganggo gandeng atanapi gesper cincin dua kali pikeun nyambungkeun kait. Konéksi sapertos ieu saderhana sareng merenah, sareng ngan ukur kedah disambungkeun sareng tonase anu sami. Koefisien standar nasional sling nyaéta genep kali, sedengkeun hook sareng belenggu umumna dua kali cacad sareng rusak opat kali. Janten teu aya konflik dina nyocogkeun.
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