Warta Industri

Hujan anu teras-terasan, blok tuas manual kedah ngalakukeun padamelan karat


Taun ayeuna, seueur daérah di nagara urang parantos hujan, sareng ayeuna urang kedah ngalakukeun padamelan anu hadé pikeun nyegah karat pikeunblok tuas manual. Blok tuas tiasa dianggo dina sababaraha waktos, tapi kedah dihindari ngagunakeunblok tuas manual dina cuaca hujan pikeun ningkatkeun kahirupan jasa blok tuas sareng ngajaga kinerja panggunaan blok tuas. Laksanakeun pangropéa pikeun angkat tuas dina cuaca hujan. Materi tinablok uas is metal, and most of the metal has the defect of rust. Doing good maintenance work can avoid the danger of rusting on the lever hoist and extend theblok uas. The service life improves its operational safety. If the project is more urgent and the amount of precipitation is particularly low, people can consider building a canopy for lifting work, but it must be maintained in time after use.

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